FireDaemon Zero 4
Switch to and manage interactive services on Session 0
Switch to and manage FireDaemon Pro and Microsoft Windows interactive services on Session 0
Works with FireDaemon ZeroInput
Double-click the FireDaemon Zero Task Tray icon to take you back and forth between your logged-in Windows user session and Session 0
View who currently has control of Session 0, kicking them off and taking control if necessary
Enable Session 0 desktop colour, auditing options, and automatic return from Session 0

FireDaemon Zero
4.0.5 December 2024
$50 per license
CAUTION: This product's compatibility is limited to certain Microsoft OS versions. Verify compatibility before downloading or purchasing.
Features at a glance
FireDaemon Zero complements FireDaemon Pro by allowing you to switch to and from your currently logged-in Windows desktop session to Session 0 where your interactive FireDaemon Pro services are run. FireDaemon Zero offers a Task Bar on Session 0, allowing you to view and select running interactive FireDaemon Pro services. FireDaemon Zero offers Session 0 management, including session auditing and access revocation.
Interactive services detection service replacement
FireDaemon Zero is a drop-in replacement for the inbuilt Windows Interactive Services Detection Service (UI0Detect). FireDaemon Zero eliminates the UI0Detect "nag" popup when interactive services run on Session 0.
Enables interactive services and access to Session 0
FireDaemon Zero enables interactive services and access to the Session 0 desktop.
​Session 0 desktop redraw
When you switch to Session 0, FireDaemon Zero will attempt to redraw all interactive services running on Session 0 to minimise artifacts.
Desktop switching activity logging and auditing
You can configure FireDaemon Zero to log Session 0 logon and logoff events, session kick events, session steal events and session switching events to the Windows Event Log.
Creates the interactive services detection service
The UI0Detect service is not present on specific versions of Microsoft Windows. FireDaemon Zero will recreate it and offer similar functionality, allowing you to switch to/from Session 0.
Take Session 0 screenshots
FireDaemon Zero allows you to take and save screenshots of the Session 0 desktop.
Switch to/from Session 0
​FireDaemon Zero is deployed as a Task Tray application. By double-clicking on the FireDaemon Zero Task Tray application icon, you can switch back and forth between your currently logged-in Windows session and Session 0.
Kick a user off Session 0
FireDaemon Zero will show you which user is currently in Session 0 and let you kick that user out.
Steal Session 0 Control from other users
FireDaemon Zero will show you which user is currently occupying Session 0 and allow you to steal control of it from that user.
Session 0 Tray
FireDaemon Zero deploys a specialised tray on Session 0. The tray lists FireDaemon Pro interactive services running on Session 0. The FireDaemon Zero Tray can also be used by programs running as a Windows service that normally rely on and bind to the regular Windows Taskbar.
Session 0 desktop colour
FireDaemon Zero allows you to configure the Session 0 desktop background colour.
Automatic inactivity switch back from Session 0
You can configure FireDaemon Zero to automatically switch back to your logged-in session after an inactivity timeout.
Command Shells
FireDaemon Zero allows the launch of privileged and unprivileged CMD and PowerShell prompts on Session 0.